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Polish American Association's (PAA) Domestic Violence program offers bilingual comprehensive services to survivors and victims of domestic violence and their vulnerable family members. Participants receive emotional support, information about their rights and legal options, referrals to resources, and assistance with creating a safety plan to keep themselves and their children out of danger. Services include:Individual and group counseling for victims of domestic violenceCrisis interventionAssistance in locating available shelterCounseling for children who have witnessed domestic violenceAssistance in filing police reportsAssistance in obtaining civil/criminal Order of ProtectionReferrals and linkage to legal servicesAssistance with Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) self-sponsorship immigration casesInterpretation and translation services


Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Issues
Self Petitions for Abused Spouses
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
In Person Crisis Intervention
Emergency Protective Orders
Crisis Center of South Suburbia court advocates inform victims of domestic or dating violence of their rights under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act, serve as a liaison in the judicial system, prepare orders of protection, and provide follow-up services to review safety plans and court cases. Informational materials about other legal remedies and victim resources such as Crime Victims' Compensation, Victims' Economic Security and Safety Act, Safe Homes Act and Automated Victim Notification are also provided.


Domestic Violence Issues
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Polish American Association's (PAA) Domestic Violence program offers bilingual comprehensive services to survivors and victims of domestic violence and their vulnerable family members. Participants receive emotional support, information about their rights and legal options, referrals to resources, and assistance with creating a safety plan to keep themselves and their children out of danger. Services include:Individual and group counseling for victims of domestic violenceCrisis interventionAssistance in locating available shelterCounseling for children who have witnessed domestic violenceAssistance in filing police reportsAssistance in obtaining civil/criminal Order of ProtectionReferrals and linkage to legal servicesAssistance with Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) self-sponsorship immigration casesInterpretation and translation services


Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Issues
Self Petitions for Abused Spouses
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
In Person Crisis Intervention
Emergency Protective Orders
True Leaders of Change Consulting Services offers Domestic Violence Evaluations & Classes at the request of the court, social services, or probation department. Partner and individual Abuse Intervention Program consists of a two-hour individual intake/orientation session and at least 24 1.5-hour weekly group sessions. Domestic violence evaluations are conducted in person and the interview typically last 1.5 to 3 hours. The following themes are discussed, each during three consecutive sessions: they also specialize in individual Counseling sessions in a wide variety of areas to meet the needs of those individuals struggling to find balance and direction in their lives using evidence-based approaches.


Individual Counseling
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs