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Offers budget and housing counseling services, which include: -Financial literacy -Predatory lending -Mortgage scam assistance -Loan default prevention services
HUD approved housing counselors who advise on foreclosure prevention, home purchase, improving and protecting credit, and other related topics.
Provides services to low-income veterans and their families who are at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Supportive services include: - Housing stabilization - Temporary financial assistance (including rent, security deposit, utilities and car repairs; based on eligibility) - Intensive, short-term case management - Assistance with VA and mainstream benefits
One-to-one pre-purchase and post-purchase counseling and home buyer workshops to educate home buyers.
Offers HUD-approved housing counseling services to individuals and families in Lake County. Offers tools, education, and empowerment to help address financial barriers to affordable housing. Counseling topics include: - Budgeting & Banking - Credit Repair - Community & Covid Resources - Downpayment Assistance - Equity Loans - Fair Housing and Fair Lending - Financial Literacy - Foreclosure and Homelessness Prevention - Landlord's Rights & Responsibilities - Mortgage Default Prevention - Pre-Purchase / Home Buyer - Refinancing Mortgages - Rental Counseling - Savings & Spending Plans - Scam Prevention - Tenant's Rights & Responsibilities
Provides counseling and education designed to certify for home ownership. Also allows clients to receive counseling for down payment assistance or housing. Pre-rental counseling is given to clients seeking approval to rent under several housing programs.
Five year voluntary program that assists clients to achieve economic independence. Program offers the following services: - Mentoring - Referral Services - Budget/Credit workshops - Job preparation - Home buyer education
Provides assistance applying for federal and state benefits to veterans and their families. Also provides resources related to: - Housing - Employment preparation - Compensation and pension - Mental Health services - Burial and survivor
CEDA's staff of HUD-certified Housing Counselors are available to assist with foreclosure prevention, pre-purchase, post-purchase, rental counseling, and financial counseling. We can also help identify those who qualify for new COVID-19 rent/mortgage relief programs.


Personal Financial Counseling
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Homeless Diversion Programs
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
Tenant Readiness Education Programs
CEDA's staff of HUD-certified Housing Counselors are available to assist with foreclosure prevention, pre-purchase, post-purchase, rental counseling, and financial counseling. We can also help identify those who qualify for new COVID-19 rent/mortgage relief programs.


Personal Financial Counseling
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Homeless Diversion Programs
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
Tenant Readiness Education Programs
CEDA's staff of HUD-certified Housing Counselors are available to assist with foreclosure prevention, pre-purchase, post-purchase, rental counseling, and financial counseling. We can also help identify those who qualify for new COVID-19 rent/mortgage relief programs.


Personal Financial Counseling
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Homeless Diversion Programs
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
Tenant Readiness Education Programs
Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America helps thousands achieve the dream of lasting homeownership every year. Participants can become eligible for a below-market rate and an affordable mortgage through their financial counseling programs.
This program helps homeowners, renters, and potential homeowners with housing counseling. Services include: - Homebuyer pre-purchase and post-purchase counseling and education. - Credit and budget counseling. - Debt counseling. - Rental/tenant counseling. - Foreclosure prevention counseling.
Housing counseling.
Free virtual workshops for homebuyers. Workshop is 2 days and both sessions must be attended.
Offers Credit and Budget Counseling, Education and Counseling for First Time Homebuyers, Foreclosure Prevention Counseling and Emergency Home Improvement Loans.
Provides no-cost, HUD-approved financial and housing counseling services. Helps clients assess their financial situation, evaluate options, and reduce debt. Workshops qualify for HUD down payment assistance certificate. Counseling services includes: - budgeting - credit counseling - first time homebuyers counseling - post-purchase counseling - foreclosure prevention services
Offers free HUD-approved housing counseling and mediation services for people facing foreclosure. The court-appointed mediator will help the individual and lender reach a meaningful solution.
Services may include: - Pre-purchase counseling for new and first time homebuyers. - Homebuyer Education. - Money management. - Credit counseling. - Post-purchase counseling on non-delinquency topics like improving mortgage terms and home improvement.
Provides housing counseling on the following topics: - Pre-Purchase Home Buyer Education. - Budget and Credit Workshops and Counseling. - Post-Purchase Counseling - repairs for homes. - Delinquency and Foreclosure Prevention Counseling.
Provides housing counseling on the following topics: - Pre-Purchase Home Buyer Education. - Budget and Credit Workshops and Counseling. - Post-Purchase Counseling - repairs for homes. - Delinquency and Foreclosure Prevention Counseling.
Credit counselors, housing counselors, and bankruptcy educators meet with clients to offer personalized advice on steps to improve financial situation. Services include: - Debt and credit counseling. - Debt management programs. - Reverse mortgage counseling. - Pre- and post-bankruptcy counseling and education. - Pre- and post-home buying and rental counseling. - Mortgage default and foreclosure counseling. - Rental counseling. - Educational workshops. - Military Reconnect. - Disaster Recovery Counseling. - Student Loan Counseling.


Credit Counseling
Bankruptcy Assistance
Housing Counseling
Personal Financial Counseling
Post-purchase education, financial literacy, and credit building. Also includes Disaster Preparedness education.


Community Disaster Education
Financial Literacy Training
Housing Counseling
Provides a range of services which assists low-income people to attain skills, knowledge, and motivation necessary to achieve self-sufficiency, as well as help with immediate life necessities such as food, shelter, transportation, etc. Among the services offered to eligible individuals and families: - Case management. - Housing assistance. - Emergency assistance. - Literacy services. - Homebuyer assistance. - Volunteer assistance. - Homeless assistance. - Emergency food and shelter. - Budget and housing counseling. - Tax filing, and insurance assistance. Other services may include college scholarships, youth summer camp opportunities, benefit enrollment, employment training and associated required materials. Depending on funding, also offered are foreclosure prevention services, home ownership education services, downpayment savings plan, purchasing education and more.


Personal Financial Counseling
Housing Counseling
Rent Payment Assistance
Provide housing counseling, assistance for foreclosure, pre-purchase, rental, reverse mortgage, predatory lending, financial management & capability.